
作者 小小外交官 米粒妈咪课堂  ← 点击红色字,关注公众号
2021-06-16 09:16 字数 2294 阅读 889评论 0




1.构成:have / has + been + 现在分词


(1)表示从过去某时开始发生,一直延续到现在且可能延续下去的动作。 (最好将此定义读 5遍)

►. I've been waiting for an hour but she hasn't come.

►. He has been running after her for 8 years.


►. I've been wanting to see you for so many years.

►. Who's been telling you such nonsense.



►. I have thought of it.(我已想到了这一点。)

►. I have been thinking of it.(我一直在想这一点。)

►. Jim has painted the door.(杰姆已将门油漆过了。)

►. Jim has been painting the door.(杰姆一直在油漆门。)


1. They ________ us since five o'clock this morning.

A. are helping B. have been helping

C. have been helped D. have helped

2. I ________ the book the whole day, yet I haven't finished it.

A. have been reading B. have read

C. am reading D. had been reading

3. Please come in. We ________ about your paper.

A. talk B. had been talking

C. have been talking D. would have talked

4. Such natural resources as coal and petroleum ________.

A. gradually are exhausted B. are being gradually exhausted

C. have gradually exhausting D. have been exhausting gradually

5. It ________ almost every day so far this month.

A. is raining B. rained C. rains D. has been raining


1. You should go to bed. You ________ (watch) TV for 5 hours.

2. I ________ (write) letters since breakfast.

3. I ________ (write) 3 letters since breakfast.

4. Sorry, but Mr. Smith ________ (leave) for Beijing.

5. I ________ (look) for him everywhere, where can he be?


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D


1. have been watching 2. have been writing

3. have written 4. has left

5. have been looking


英语      米粒妈咪在线课程