新概念英语1课文原文:Lesson 128 He can't be...他不可能....

作者 米粒妈妈 米粒妈咪课堂  ← 点击红色字,关注公众号
2020-07-17 16:44 字数 1706 阅读 1147评论 0
James&Aaron 趣味科学启蒙(中英双语)


新概念英语1课文原文:Lesson 128 He can't be...他不可能....


Written exercises 书面练习

A Rewrite these sentences, using either has to or I think he is probably ...模仿例句,使用has to或I think he is probably ... 改写以下句子。


He must be home before six o'clock.

He has to be home before six o'clock.

He must be tired.

I think he is probably tired.

1 He must be here at six o'clock.

2 He must be busy.

3 He must be at the office early tomorrow.

4 He must be sleeping.

5 He must be French.

6 He must be in France next week.

7 He must be an engineer.

B Write new sentences.



I think she's Danish. (Swedish)

I don't think so. She can't be Danish.

She must be Swedish.

1 I think she's Italian. (Greek)

2 I think he's English. (American)

3 I think they're Canadian. (Australian)

4 I think he's a mechanic. (engineer)

5 I think he's a bus conductor. (bus driver)

6 I think he's a sales rep. (the boss)

7 I think he's twenty-four. (thirty)

8 I think they're five. (seven)

9 I think he's seventy-six. (over eighty)

10 I think she's fifty-five. (under fifty)

11 I think it's the 21st today. (20th)

12 I think it's Tuesday today. (Wednesday)

13 I think it's the 2nd today. (3rd)

14 I think it's cheap. (expensive)

15 I think it's easy. (difficult)

16 I think she's old. (young)

17 I think they're early. (late)

18 I think he's reading. (sleeping)

19 I think they're listening to the radio. (watching television)

20 I think she's retiring. (looking for a new job)


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