新概念英语1课文原文:Lesson 64 Don't...!不要...!

作者 米粒妈妈 米粒妈咪课堂  ← 点击红色字,关注公众号
2020-07-09 12:08 字数 1446 阅读 1455评论 0
James&Aaron 趣味科学启蒙(中英双语)


新概念英语1课文原文:Lesson 64 Don't...!不要...!

Lesson 64 Don't

New words and expressions 生词和短语

play /plei/ v. 玩

match /mætʃ/ n. 火柴

talk /tɔ:k/ v. 谈话

library /'laibrəri/ n. 图书馆

drive /draiv/ v. 开车

so /səu/ adv. 如此地

quickly /'kwikli/ adv. 快地

lean out of 身体探出

break /breik/ v. 打破

noise /nɔiz/ n. 喧闹声

Notes on the text 课文注释

1 play with matches, 玩火柴。

2 make a noise指“弄出噪音”,“发出响声”。

Written exercises 书面练习

A Rewrite these sentences using Jimmy.



I mustn't take any aspirins.

Jimmy mustn't take any aspirins.

1 I am better now but I mustn't get up yet.

2 I have a cold and I must stay in bed.

3 I can get up for two hours each day.

4 I often read in bed.

5 I listen to the stereo, too.

6 I don't feel ill now.

B Complete these sentences.



______ eat rich food!

Don't eat rich food!

You mustn't eat rich food!

1 ______ take any aspirins!

2 ______ take this medicine!

3 ______ call the doctor!

4 ______ play with matches!

5 ______ talk in the library!

6 ______ make a noise!

7 ______ drive so quickly!

8 ______ lean out of the window!

9 ______ break that vase!


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